Tuesday 31 July 2012

Some kids do strike a cord in you!

Well this is an incident which happened with to me on Saturday 28 th July'12.... I was out for "The Dark Knight Rises" show @ 2pm wid my family.......
We made it to the multiplex at sharp 1.30pm and there I was standing in the que for the tickets stub to be collected  which I had already booked online.... was looking forward desperately for the show..... while I was pretty annoyed with the lady standing behind me who was just sticking to me and standing.... I was so damn annoyed that I flipped my purse back forcefully so that she can feel it and move back a bit.. I was successful in my attempt but just for few seconds or so..... again the same thing and I turned around to see if there was so much crowd gathered that there is hardly any space to breath..... but there was absolutely no one... and I gave her that nasty look! still it dint ring a bell in that dumb lady's mind...... moving ahead in the que I suddenly caught glimpse of this small dame standing rite in front of me in the que... waiting for her turn to book her show....... :-)....... she was flipping and moving around.. I assume she was hardly in 5-6 th standard..... suddenly a man made up to her in the parallel que and started giving her instructions on which showtime to book and all....... and she was listening to the instructions quite sincerely...... I assume that he must be her father.... (well not sure)...... Finally she turned up to the window and asked him to book a show for cocktail.... and I GAZED at her.... "COCKTAIL".... Again I assumed the lil' one has come to watch "Ice Age-4" but she amazed me..... I was all bonkers.... and this was not it....... she booked only ONE ticket for the show... and she was gonna watch tht movie all alone... Imagine a kid of 5-6 th std and all alone for a movie like Cocktail... and this I got to know from her father to whom I again gave an amazed look........ I guess she is a die hard fan of Deepika Padukone as she resembled a lot like her.... :-)

Even I collected my stubs and made my way to the screen.... Her father was full of instructions as to where to meet when the show ends and all of that... and she was like when will i go for the show.... as soon as the instructions ended... she ran for the show.... met her again at the entrance of the security screening section and she was not sure how to go ahead... I guided her the way and we went up together.... Then she started wandering about on her own.... I asked her when was her show time and she said 1.30 and it was already 1.45.. I told her rush to screen 4 where the movie was being played.... And I suddenly realized... Oh shoot!....I sud have atleast handed her a cold drink and  a popcorn to enjoy the movie.... which i wanted to do for her..... and there she went running for her show and her Deepika Padukone....

Out of all of this I don't know if she was rite or wrong...... Kids of this generation I think are very fast... Their choices and selections are way ahead their age.... but to come and think of it if i put myself in their shoes i guess they know their choices and selections and they know their likes and dislikes.....

Two different scenarios of two different pple.. One is ME (thinking abt my choices at her age) and other is that LIL GAL..... so much difference of selection.... i guess this is wat we call GENERATION GAP.....

But whatever it is, this distinctive episode has definitely struck a cord in ME.... :-)

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